Kitani Green Tea Store in Ujitawara-chō, Tsuzuki-gun - Teehersteller - Meisterstrasse
Kitani Green Tea Store
Keiji Kitani
Adresse directions
Yasunba-8 Iwayama, Kyōto-fu 610-0261 Ujitawara-chō, Tsuzuki-gun, Japan

Kitani Green Tea Store (tea processing factory) was founded in 1961 at the birthplace of the Japanese green tea. It is run by the descendants of Soen Nagatani (1681-1778), the father of green tea processing method and it is one of the few stores available that specialize in green tea. Our company's office building is located in Ujitawara, a rural area of Kyoto and its main job is to sell the processed tea leaves online throughout Japan. We are also running a cafe with our joint factory which serves sweets that are made from our tea leaves. On the weekends, the cafe is crowded with customers.



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