Finnbar Trouts Bicycles in Köln - Cycling handmade in Köln - Meisterstrasse
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MEISTERSTRASSE_Finnbar Trouts Bicycles_James_Buckley
MEISTERSTRASSE_Finnbar Trouts Bicycles_James_Buckley
MEISTERSTRASSE_Finnbar Trouts Bicycles_James_Buckley
MEISTERSTRASSE_Finnbar Trouts Bicycles_James_Buckley
Finnbar Trouts Bicycles
Cycling handmade in Köln
James Buckley
Adresse directions
Robert-Heuser Straße 6, 50968 Köln, Deutschland
»Simplify then add lightness«
The late Colin Chapman, Köln

Handmade Bespoke - a bicycle for life

Why handmade bespoke when many brands build very good bicycles today ? Any mass produced product is defined by the law of averages, this is especially so with bicycles, which must work with a wide variety of body shapes and sizes, ultimately a compromise.

A bespoke bicycle is a holistic concept with the frame at the centre, which is designed on the very specific measurements of your unique body, biomechanics, perhaps even very specific physical challenges and quirks we all tend to have.

A concept and creation totally optimised and focused on you and  your expectations of use, without the baggage of industry dictated categories and trends. The icing on the cake you can decide every hand made detail and have it finished to your hearts desire. It’s not for everyone, it’s for those that care about personalised detail and enjoy a touch of self indulgence in what they love.

Design thinking

 I was lucky enough to study at a design school that adopted the principles of design thinking long before the term existed “ Human-centred approach to innovation”.

With Finnbar Trout the human factor is you ! Its about a one on one relationship between designer / builder and client, its about your needs and bicycle expectations realised in a meaningful and responsible product that represents you 100%.

It’s not just a finished product, but also a creative, enjoyable  and fulfilling process. 

I would definitely say I am a modernist in approach. And form should follow function ! However this must be pushed further. Form must also be beautiful, and function must be elegant and efficient, from the frame through to the carefully curated component selection that equates to a holistic whole, with standards that represent longevity, and innovation that makes beneficial sense to you, and your riding aspirations !

Comfort as performance dynamic

Comfort is an underrated factor in bike design across all levels and categories. This tends to be associated with heavy city, commuter and touring bikes, and enormous soft saddles, often comfort is only marketing blurb, rather real rider orientated benefits.

However a performance athlete can benefit just as much from comfort integrated in a holistic bicycle concept as his less sportive colleges. A comfortable position and rider can be faster, more efficient, allowing more focus on surroundings, creating added safety, and generally enhances any kind of cycling experience.

This starts with analysing each individuals fit, movement and flexibility in relation to the type of riding they are planning on doing. Then designing and building a frame that fits like the proverbial glove,  and speccing components that work with the frame as an intuitive, responsive and comfortable concept. 




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