EDWARD HO in Wien - Meisterstrasse



Edward ist EVA Air General Manager für Österreich, Zentral- und Osteuropa. EVA Air ist ein zu 100% in Privatbesitz befindliches Unternehmen mit Sitz in Taipeh, Taiwan. Edward trat 1991 in das Unternehmen ein, als die Fluggesellschaft ihren ersten Flug von Taipeh nach Bangkok durchführte. Er erhielt von Anfang an eine intensive Ausbildung und hat seither in mehr als drei Jahrzehnten bei EVA Air gründliches Know-how im internationalen Luftfahrtgeschäft erworben. Nach seiner Heirat 1993 verbrachte er seine Flitterwochen in Österreich und kehrte 1999 in das Land zurück, nachdem er in der Zwischenzeit sein Studium in den USA abgeschlossen und in verschiedenen Abteilungen von EVA Air gearbeitet hatte. Aufgrund seiner Liebe zu Wien hat er sich mit seiner Familie endgültig hier niedergelassen und ist seit 2011 General Manager. Er hat sich der Aufgabe verschrieben, in Wien ein echtes europäisches Drehkreuz mit ausgezeichneten Urlaubs-, Business- und Frachtflügen zwischen Europa und Asien zu etablieren und kulturelle Brücken zwischen Wien und Taipeh zu bauen.


Which role does craftsmanship play in your personal life?

Craftsmanship is important to everyone serving in the airline industry. It can bring satisfaction, creativity and a sense of accomplishment in various aspect of professions. It involves attention to detail and a dedication to producing high-quality team work for safety, services, or other pursuits.

Very personally, I love cooking and everything that is connected with it, meaning for example table culture or dining culture. I appreciate high-quality ceramics, also handmade, on a set table and elegant cutlery.

Furthermore, one of my hobbies is Kyūdō, the Japanese martial art of archery.  The bow used is called a yumi and particularly striking is the recognizable craftsmanship of this bamboo bow and bamboo arrows.


Which crafts sector fascinates you the most?

Even though the airline industry itself isn’t traditionally associated with craftsmanship, some aspects of it do involve a high level of skill and attention to details. The aircraft interior design fascinates me the most: including the seats, cabin layout, and in-flight entertainment… This requires a design and craftsmanship approach to create comfortable and aesthetically pleasing spaces for passengers.


Do you believe in a future of craftsmanship? What could it look like?

Craftsmanship in the airline industry will likely adapt to advanced technology in materials and manufacturing, bespoke cabin interiors or unique in-flight amenities tailored to individual preferences, creating more eco-friendly and sustainable components…in order to continue delivering high-quality, safe, and comfortable air travel experiences.


Tradition or innovation - what do you consider more important?

Effective innovation will originate from a valuable tradition. As an airliner, we always need a sense of mission and responsibility to ensure the safety and quality of services. This company culture stands for our tradition which always drives us to keep faith in and pace for innovation with the times.


How important are networks and platforms like MEISTERSTRASSE today?

Except providing avenues for exposure, collaboration, and learning, great networks and platforms like MEISTERSTRASSE can connect other craftsmen, which allows for the exchange of ideas, techniques, and opportunities. Through online platforms you can even showcase and sell crafted products, expanding the reach of artisans. A good network enhances visibility, fosters community, and contributes to the growth and success of craftsmen.


Which producers made you happy as a customer recently?

As a customer in airline industry, we are satisfied with and appreciate the commercial manufactories, like Boeing, Airbus…These companies collaborate with a vast network of suppliers and craftsmen specializing in areas such as avionics, engines, interiors, and more. We are happy with their delivering reliable and efficient aircraft, meeting safety standards, providing excellent customer services and adapting to evolving industry needs.