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Kyoto is home to both craftsmen with a range of skills and top-class creators. These people develop many types of materials and designs, honing their skills as they give form to the richness of life.
Sustainable values have been fostered hand-in-hand with this culture, making Kyoto home to a wealth of unique designs, techniques, and production sites that serve as its resources.
“Amplitude” is a word that expresses richness, depth, and magnitude.
Kyoto Amplitude Co., Ltd. is a trading company that focuses on Kyoto’s magnificent resources, redesigning them into comfortable spaces and refined products to provide new value to society.
Each generation creates new values, and the world now wants to be more natural, more sustainable, with a better quality of life. Kyoto Amplitude will contribute to increasing the magnitude of the “spiritual richness” value among the natural sensibilities of people with these values.

"Increase Regional Value and Promote it to the World
Kyoto’s sense of aesthetics, and its many traditional skills, developed over its long history. The souls of those who are heirs to this strong heritage are the culture that represents Japan, and heirs to a richness passed on through the generations. By shining a new light on traditional culture with an eye to the new values that each era brings, Kyoto Amplitude Co., Ltd., a regionally-based trading company, creates rich values fused into today’s lifestyles and promotes them to the world.
The word “Amplitude” in the company’s name refers to increasing the richness, depth, and breadth of the cultures and resources developed in Kyoto. We shall increase the amplitude of constantly-honed “Kyoto” values, offering them anew as a global trend. We hope to show you great things in future."

Where Luxury Begins, From Japan
Quality items born from traditional lifestyles offer a sense of true value not just from the impressive skills of those who craft them: it is when people actually use them that their true value appears. The rich human sensibility honed through long years of history, and the deep spirituality of the Japanese that forms its backbone, are found here. This is the special nature-focused world-view of the Japanese, one that as seen from the West is both a very new environmentally-conscious way of life, and at the same time, memories that tug at the heartstrings, forgotten in a distant past.
The Kyoto Amplitude project can be considered a way to bring together creators and users again. That which creators have poured their hearts into being valued by user as well—that is where luxury begins. We want to use this project to spread the word to the world about what the true nature of richness is.
Kyoto Amplitude Co.,Ltd
CEO Akihiro Shudo
208-2 Morinoki-cho Oike-dori Horikawa-iru Nakagyo-ku Kyoto 604-0053 Japan
— 地域創生コンサルティング事業
— Trading business for regional development
— Consulting business for regional development
July 4, 2022
- WAZAIマテリアル
内装用素材・施工事例カタログ(PDF)WAZAI Materials
Japanese materials for interior decoration [project photos]